An awesome photo of David

This was taken at a dirt demo in Delta Junction a while ago. I'm not sure who took it because I stole it off of Bikeguide; thanks Rigo for posting it. Kink Aaron, Casey and Anou were down on Saturday and it was awesome, man those guys are rad...
Anou beat the crap out himself a bunch of times, Casey went really high and Aaron did some sweet backwards moves. I know that Anou took some good photos so I'll try to get some up here. We probably had the biggest session that's happenned in Anchorage in a while; TJ even came out of retirement. David tried some flairs and broke his chain, Josh did some good flips and the Eagle river kids showed up; Colton 540d over a nice gap in between a constant stream of dialogue. There's snow on the mountains which means we don't have much time left...
well i am good to go man. we rode the new park yesterday for a while and im good. tj and justin rode the trails but said it was dusty so maybe the next decent day. i am down to ride wherever whenever so just call me. wish we could have made it to girdwood this weekend but at the last second we didn't have a vehicle. oh and if you talk to david will you ask him if he would true mmy wheel for me bnecause apparently spokes come loose from dans comp. call me!
oh and tell david he is in an awsome pcture too.
Sure will man. This rain should calm the dust down at the jumps. Really pumped you're riding again man.
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