While I was in an updating mood, I decided to catch up with Desson a bit too.

what have you been up to lately?
I've been working at a machine shop and riding bikes, hanging out with the girl friend and camping.
how was your summer?
Summer was awesome. super nice. Hot. Lots of good times.
this was your first year of pro contests? any good results to speak of?
Yeah, It was cool, The only one I did good at was street justice. I got 7the so I was pumped. way better then fifth from last in toronto

does it feel weird sitting on the deck with super pros?
I haven't really sat on the deck with any super pros. I only rode the wedges at toronto while the super pros snaked each other on the big ramps

what's your best road trip story from this year?
First night in edmonton for street justice Roman, Jason lange, Shiloh, Matt walser, and a few other guys went out to the bar to get wicked. It was my first time going legally to a bar so I had high hopes for the night. We left the first bar because romans ex was there. We parked far away because it was the only spot we could find. While we were walking to the truck I guess someone got stabbed by a pony tailed bandit. The 7 of us got into the truck. 5 in the seats and 2 in the back under a blanket. We were driving down back roads because of the extra people. We drove by some cops on bikes not thinking anything of it but they radioed in that they saw a black truck just like what the pony tailed bandit took off it. Well minutes later we were on the main road, cop did a u-turn behind us so homie that was driving took a quick right town down another road then another into the ally. Cop kept fallowing so we stopped. He went over the mega phone and told the driver to step out. While he was saying this 4 more cops rolled up and the chopper was on us. While the dude who was driving was explaining the story to the cops about to many people 2 cops came up to the trucked and looked at all of us to make sure none of us had sported pony tails that night. They didn't even care about the extra people. So we got off scot free and continued to have a fantastic night.
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