no bikes
Thursday, November 30, 2006
Monday, November 27, 2006
news and few photos
Desson has joined the elite company of Brent "epitome of man" Webb and Zane "bread to the face" Hudson on Seshin bikes; he's still on no bikes. Some geniuses came up with a killer website idea, , go there now. Ryan from Osooyoos sent me these photos and a bunch more (that haven't loaded yet because my intenet is slow...).

Sunday, November 26, 2006
photos like whoa.
I had some new stuff to post so I decided to dig up some old photos to go along with it...

Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Sunday, November 19, 2006
Friday, November 17, 2006
red bmx mag
This little gem was on bikeguide today, it's an ad for red featuring Karl Engstrom (who kills it). Support Canadian bmx, check them out at (which seems to have not been updated forever but the mags are at chapters etc.)
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Monday, November 13, 2006
If it ain't a hip, a table or a quarter pipe air then it ain't me. No one is posting so I might as well.
Saturday, November 11, 2006
nothing in particular
There's a photo of Desson up on bmxonline in some kind of cat suit, he didn't win the halloween contest though. I finally jumped on the bandwagon and got some slam bars (chrome and uncut). My friend Zac traded them for a bowl of soup; I had slam bars in like ninth grade and since I'm making a trails comeback (that's right evan scott) I had to have them again.
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
Some crazy tricks
Desson made this. Ty Z thinks it warrants some signature underwear.
Saturday, November 04, 2006
Friday, November 03, 2006
The peak of my riding career?
That's it, right there.
(The audio is terrible in this for some reason...)

Word has it that Travis has constructed a sticker machine. As soon as we figure out our target demographic marketing strategy (i.e. what kinds of birds, trees, pirates and cursive font and or gang symbols and tag writing to put on them) we'll send some out. Interested? e-mail me. Also Mat Ridgeway is so poor that last night he said this to me, "I'm really hungry and I don't have any food so I'm just gonna go to sleep". I have a new t-shirt design ready to go here, but it's kind of an odd one that i wanted to make just because... don't know if anyone will want any or not, but the main design is taken from the picture above, if you read the sign it makes absolutely no sense why it would be outside of this store, but it was in Thailand where not a lot of things make much sense anyways. That kind of reminds me that i have a bunch of cool travelling photos that I should put up here eventually....